Changes nautical bell
Release time: 2014-09-25
Nautical clock, also known as marine chronometer or precision clock, high-precision, portable mechanical timekeeping instruments. Can be used to indicate the time, measuring time intervals, navigation positioning and field astronomical observations. With the widespread application of scientific and technological progress, the development of electronic technology and crystal oscillators, quartz accurate navigation when walking to gradually replace the mechanical bell nautical bell. But modeling and historical and cultural value given to modern technology when its unique nautical bell grasshopper dollars, has become a modern valuable collection process. Nautical Zhongfa Ming nearly three years, after the ancient nautical clocks, modern machinery, quartz nautical clocks, nautical clocks modern technology changes.

Invention and development of ancient nautical clocks

Ocean sailing, in order to determine the exact location of the ship at sea and heading, latitude and longitude must be determined. By observing the sun or Polaris height can determine latitude, there is no celestial body can be used to visually display the differences in longitude. So navigator who rely on measuring the speed to estimate their relative positions. From a scientific perspective, the longitude problem can be converted into time. Earth day (24 hours) rotate at 360 degrees per hour, equivalent to the time difference Longitude 15 (360 divided by 24). So, just know that the time difference between the two places, you can know the longitude difference between the two.

In 1656, the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens produce the world’s first pendulum clock, and two years later published a monograph describes the pendulum principle "Clock." He has produced specifically for sailing and two nautical bell, and had been tested at sea. However, the pendulum can only use on a calm sea, once the storm appeared not allowed the pendulum. To this end Huygens invented the spiral balance spring, instead of the pendulum, trying to take advantage of this spring, making a pendulum clock can be used at sea, but made ​​out of a sample clock accuracy is still too low, sailors can not rely on it to determine longitude. Therefore, the scientific community believed rely astronomer, astrologer approach by observing the measured local time, but failed to achieve an effective accuracy, but also a lot of trouble with them. In the absence of accurate clocks to measure the accuracy, frequent Trek ship in distress thing.

1707, a British fleet defeated the French fleet after the victory of return, but suffered heavy fog on the way, lost direction, killing four warships hit the island sank, more than 1,500 sailors killed in heavy losses. It once again the British government realized the importance of finding longitude. 1714, with the establishment of the British government maritime dominance, solve the problem of longitude sailing imminent, the British Parliament passed the "Longitude Act" (Longitude Act), provides that anyone can find a way to measure longitude at sea, they can take to £ 20,000 in prize money. Netherlands, Spain, France has suspended a similar huge bonus.

A man named "John Harrison" (John Harrison) British watchmaker, in order to get this £ 20,000 prize, the manufacture of watches through their grasp the principles and skills with confidence began to study the manufacture of nautical bell. After years of research, he, in 1736 finally made ​​the first nautical bell, later named it H1. This one meter square, weighs 42 kg monster with a "grasshopper legs" Harrison invention device, which uses two springs to the ends of the two metal pendulum together to make the pendulum swing frequency waves thrashing out impact. Harrison with H l conducted a short sailing trip proved to be using it to measure longitude accurately than when all the methods. However, Harrison found some shortcomings, he can come up with an improved method in 1741 and produced a H2. H2 can not wait for the completion of Harrison discovered a fatal flaw, in turn began making H3. H3 took him 19 years, H1, H2 and H3 are the monster, because at that time the watch industry believe that only big watch will be accurate. An accident finally let Harrison realized that the small high-frequency oscillator is the best way to avoid environmental influences. He decided to reinvent the wheel, began making H4.1759 year, Harrison finally fashioned a diameter of 13 cm and weighs 1.45 kilograms bigger than pocket watch nautical tables. This easy to carry H4, accuracy is greatly improved. "Longitude Committee" Let Harrison’s son with H4 expedition Jamaica, after 8l day sea voyage, H4 only five seconds slower, roughly equivalent to 3 km, the error rate is far less than the maximum, "Longitude committee" to develop. In the king’s support, at the age of 80, when Harrison finally got the full bonus.

1769, another watchmaker Rackham Kendall made ​​in the design of the structural principle of the H4 H4 Harrison replica, known as Kendall K1, he went on to produce K2, K3, to further improve the navigation bell, and have withstood the test of time sailing, used widely.

In recognition of the British astronomer achievements in this field, in 1884 the international astronomical community meetings, the official seat of the Royal Observatory Greenwich as the prime meridian, which is the zero longitude. Since then, the earth is divided into two hemispheres stuff. Now ordinary people can easily have a satellite global positioning system, Harrison’s four clocks, as well as Kendall’s K1, are now being exhibited Greenwich Observatory Museum.

Ship bell domestic R & D and updates

Our country is one with a long coastline and vast maritime territory, maritime defense had suffered the humiliation of imperialist aggression history. In the eve of the liberation of the country, in order to meet the needs of the military struggle was the coastal situation, focusing on the performance of national unity, defending national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of the mission, the CPC Central Committee has made a strategic decision to set up the People’s Navy. April 23, 1949, the PLA’s first navy - navy in the East China Military District, Taizhou, Jiangsu Baimamiao proclaimed the People’s Navy was born. Early days, in order to effectively defend the territorial sea, to the Soviet Union to buy ready-made vessels and by way of introduction of technology transfer for imitation, the main way to become the new people naval construction. By purchasing a large number of Soviet naval equipment, coupled with Chinese construction, renovation of boats, to the end of 1955, the Chinese navy has begun to take shape, for the development of the Chinese navy has laid a material foundation. Ship with nautical bell all imported from the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries.

1, the mechanical development and production of nautical clocks

Early 1957, according to the needs of the changing international situation and national defense construction, in compliance with the National Ministry of Light Industry Yantai watch factory instructions, started to develop much needed defense with sailing ships bell. The finished product requires trial within the year, its technical indicators to achieve foreign product standards. Accuracy specifications and manufacturing standards nautical clocks and watches factory was producing civilian Yantai clock, alarm clock difference is very big. Proposed new requirements from design and technical personnel, processing equipment, production technology and so. Faced with the urgent task, difficult conditions, the military defense of the much-needed, watches factory technicians resolutely took the job. In the trial process, the development of personnel with reference to the Soviet Union and Hungary prototype ship bell trying to create the conditions, painstaking research, and finally complete the task ahead of schedule, in October 1957, China’s first sailing ship bell successful trial. After naval vessels to install the trial, when they take the accuracy, shockproof, waterproof and other indicators meet the design standards, to fill the gaps in the domestic ship sailing bell. On the basis of the prototype, through design improvements, repeated trial gage tooling updates and key technology and equipment, research, successful trial before the 1959 National Day of the second batch of ships sailing bell for the tenth anniversary of the founding of offering a gift. Bell will ship sailing along the inclusion of military production program, the state invested more than 140 million yuan for technological transformation clock factory specialized equipment and instruments, expanding production capacity, in October 1960 the products according to military goods Unified Numbering stereotypes for the 104 nautical bell. After another trial of 106,107,109 and other nautical bell. 104 nautical bell on June 16, 1963 passed the technical appraisal by the Navy Armament Department, Ministry of Light Industry, jointly organized by the Ministry of the three machines, the State Economic and Trade Commission in 1964 issued by the military New Product Award. December 1964, Yantai plant trial of 108 watches bell submarine sailing through Shandong Province Light Industry Office technical appraisal.

According to the National adjust industrial layout and three-line construction guidelines, June 29, 1966, Shandong Province, Shandong Yantai Economic Commission decided to watch factory workshop relocated military nautical bell Liaocheng, Shandong Yantai to build plant in Liaocheng watch factory. Started production in September 1967, specializing in the production of military nautical bell. 1970 changed its name to Liaocheng watch factory. To 2000 total production of 90,000, the highest annual output is 1977 produced 7637, the country has made important contributions to naval construction. 1978 104,108 nautical bell by the National Science Conference Award. May 1980 Liaocheng watch factory produced 104,108 nautical bell mounted on a launch vehicle to participate in our experimental ocean ships, the successful completion of the task, by the CPC Central Committee, State Council and the Central Military Commission of the order of commendation. December 1985 104 nautical bell has won Shandong Province Light Industry quality products and quality products.

Earlier, in 1964 Shanghai Watch Factory 608 workshop successfully developed and put into production 105 nautical bell, after the storms moved to Xi’an Factory continuation of production. Clock factory in Shanghai, China, Shanghai, Defense Industry Office should require ships sailing bell developed for the Jiangnan Shipyard and Hudong Shipyard submarine boats matching, as in 2000 produced a total of 105 boats bell 3501.
2, R & D and production of quartz clock navigation

After the 1966 earthquake in Xingtai, Ministry of Light Industry Yantai watch factory issued to date is less than 0.5s developed high-precision quartz and seismic recorder support for earthquake observation. Watch factory technicians successfully developed a shorter time SY1 Type Analog quartz chronometer. The first batch of five quartz chronometer submitted in October 1967 earthquake observation first line, which is also the only developed the first quartz clock. 1971 watch factory in Yantai successful trial with 110 ships bell quartz newspaper room, along with precision quartz clock gradually replaced the mechanical nautical nautical bell.

1) 100A, 100B quartz nautical Zhongtian Wen Zhong

1968, by thunder Factory Xi’an Institute of Light Industry Ministry of watches developed 100A quartz marine chronometer for navigation, astronomy laboratory for measurement and time standards, marking the ship sailing the development level of a certain bell degree. 1970 trial 200, 1971-1988 production of about 2000. 1974, Xi’an wind and thunder Factory started to develop 100B quartz marine chronometer, in November 1981 by the Ministry of Light Industry Organization’s technical appraisal and formally put into operation until 1988 cumulative production of 1286. 1983 by the light of scientific and technological achievements Sidengjiang.

2) nautical measurement day table

Navigation is one of the supporting table measuring day test instrument positioning sailing on naval vessels and ocean-going vessels. 1972 Ministry of Light Industry proposed research Analog quartz table measuring day tasks undertaken by the Ministry of Light Industry Research Institute clocks. May 1975 trial of the first batch of test days sailing 117A quartz pointer table prototype provides the Navy, the indicators have reached the requirements.

1977, the Navy proposed the development of a half-second jump of measuring day table, Ministry of Light Industry Research Institute successfully developed watches in 1980, named 117B test day sailing pointer table. After 1981 appraisal believes that the product so that China’s maritime test day table and on a new level.

Institute of Light Industry watches from 1981 began to develop 117C type digital nautical measurement day table, and can meet the requirements of both significant when measured in. 1984 trial of a prototype, 1985 through ministerial technical appraisal.

3) high-frequency quartz marine chronometer

High frequency quartz marine chronometer is a high precision timing devices, the way the needle for half a second jump, long three-pin. It is suitable for navigation, astronomy, seismology, geodesy and laboratories as a time standard. By the Ministry of Light Industry Research Institute successfully developed the watch in 1981-1983. The main technical performance indicators have reached the level of foreign advanced companies in the early 1980s the Swiss Omega 1525 production of precision quartz marine chronometer. As of 2000 has produced 1435. The product of Light Industry Science and Technology Progress Award in 1986.

4) SY5C quartz boat bell

1981 Yantai Institute successfully developed SY5 watches pointer type quartz based on the trial production of SY5C quartz boat bell. Movement with a metal splint and gear train, polished brass shell casing, using a high-frequency quartz crystal resonators. It has a high timing accuracy, reliable, easy to use, low power consumption, moisture-proof, splash and other characteristics. SY5C quartz boat bell Shandong Province Science and Technology research prize in 1982.

Polaris BKJ-1 B-5-sided boat bell clocks

5) SY5B1 quartz bell housing report

SY5BI quartz clock in the 1980s reported that the Housing Institute of Yantai watches ship developed and produced radio room necessary timing equipment, electronic technology and mechanical watch manufacturing process combination of new products. Movement uses a high frequency, low temperature coefficient of the quartz resonator as a frequency reference, by IC function pointer drive a stepper motor drive time, the use of crystals have been carefully screened aging treatment. The bell has a timing accurate, reliable, moisture splash, etc., can also instructed GMT and GMT.

6) ships with Dan Yingzai master clock system

To meet the needs of China’s naval shipbuilding industry equipment construction and development, and in 1990 assumed the Yantai Yantai watches Institute of Science and Technology Commission issued a "ship composite clock timing system," research project. After a year of efforts to complete the research task and put into trial production. Ship composite clock watch system has become Yantai Institute of BKJ series styling products.

From 1991 to 1992, Yantai watch Research Institute successfully developed THZM-1-precision ʯӢ master clock system for naval ships. The product is in the room with a message to indicate GMT clock, to fill the gap. Composite clock system is a national initiative to meet international standards eighties. BKJ series of ship composite clock in 1995 the military seized by the Ministry of naval equipment, widely used in the People’s Navy and civilian ships. Part microelectronic machine master clock as the master clock core processor, software design uses a modular structure. Taking into account the ship electronic interference signal strength, using the automatic reset measures, namely encountered strong interference, restart the computer processor can work to ensure the normal operation of the master clock. To ensure timing accuracy, part of the core components of the oscillation characteristics superior selection of imported high-frequency quartz crystal. This series of products fully meet the timing is accurate, reliable, easy to maintain, resistant to shock and vibration resistant nautical combat requirements. Its features and performance are:

issued standard time master clock signal to control the tape running clock synchronization. To meet the needs of ships, the ship sailed across the ocean in the area, the system adds a unique speed dial needle stitch pros and cons, it can easily adjust the time. To meet the needs of two-way dial needles, clocks using a bi-directional movement of the stepper motor. In the drive master clock signal, clocks can run both directions, and the two-way operation of consistent performance, reliable operation.

according to different occasions on the ship, design a waterproof wall clocks, table clocks centralized control, kitchen clocks more than a dozen types of clocks. Wherein the light emitting clock face using a light-emitting EL panels, lighting effect is obvious, adjustable brightness, suitable for wartime and night needs.

clocks minute output torque up to 1.1 10-2Nm, greatly improving travel time reliability. BKJ1 type composite clock may ship with 40 clocks, BKJ2 type composite clock may ship with more than 100 sub-bell.
Polaris precision timing device and ship navigation composite clock system in our country, "afar" (No. afar the 1st to the 4th) comprehensive ocean monitoring and control ship, the ship’s security surveillance synchronization time zero difference. "Yuanwang" was responsible for our satellites, spacecraft, and other spacecraft flight tests at sea throughout the measurement and control of the recovery task is an important part of our TT & C network, for Shenzhou spacecraft escort. 2011 by Yantai Polaris Co., Ltd. Yantai Institute drafted watches developed a national light industry standard QB / T 4251-2011 "by Dan Yingzai ship master clock."

Polaris BKJ-2 ship bell master clock

Polaris BKJ-1 B-8 lighting clocks

Modern technology R & D and production of nautical bell

Currently, the world as the bell promotion of culture, the British secret Di Ken clock factory (according to Harrison invention navigator "H1" type sailing bell) launched the world’s first craft sailing perspective bell, the bell parts are single pieces produced by Seiko polished, carefully assembled by senior watchmaker, debugging is made, is the timing and watch collection in one simple, elegant exquisite craft mechanical clock.

With increasing levels of domestic consumption, consumption concept of constantly updated, as well as the recovery of mechanical watches watches on domestic and foreign markets, the demand for more and more high-end mechanical clock, to meet this demand, Yantai Polaris developed grasshopper-style nautical clock high-end products, the completion of the seat (Taiwan), floor nautical clock product development. Products through the use of user feedback and abroad, the effect of good performance, the technical indicators have reached the design and product standards, in November 2011 project through the identification of scientific and technological achievements, Shandong Province Science and Technology Department. Modern technology nautical bell major innovations:

A grasshopper escapement device and seat (Taiwan) formula developed nautical clock. Grasshopper escapement is a special escapement, which consists of two grasshopper escapement fork claw shape and position of the dumbbell-shaped balance spring and the left and right side of the pendulum and the pendulum axis and dual fan connected to it tooth composition constitutes a lever interlocking mechanism. The balance and escapement fork springs are connected by elastic positioning, the clock is running, the balance to swing back and forth as the center axis linkage swing, so that the clock can be based on any one position to compensate each other, even if the clock is not in a static state placement can also be eliminate the effects of tilt and shake to achieve accurate timing.

According grasshopper-style operating principle, the designer of the grasshopper escapement dynamic parameters were calculated and structural optimization design, combined research unit at the same time part of the escapement gear and how to ensure that research institutions and major parts machining accuracy. Ensure the continuity of the travel requirements and operational reliability of the movement. Strictly controlled and precise adjustment of the machining of parts cooperating radial and axial clearance to ensure concentricity of the components into the jaws, thus ensuring the efficiency of the drive mechanism and the escapement wheel speed control system, improve the stability of the swing sex. Strictly in the assembly to assemble, adjust the positioning spring rounded tone calm escapement adjustment gap, improve the efficiency of the escapement mechanism.

General mechanical clock winding output torque curvilinear continuous attenuation problems, leading to large errors when the clock away. Were force-wheel system ensures grasshopper escapement device for winding stability requirements, greatly improving the clockwork smooth torque output when the clock go small error and accuracy of a grade higher than ordinary clock. Block (Taiwan) type sailing perspective hour wheel design using patented technology invention are forces within the ratchet wheel and limit the power system chip insurance structure, calculated by mapping experiments mainspring torque curve, the graph theory to calculate the round tower shape size, the final confirmation of an ideal spring and pulley parameters solved seat (units) clock winding torque stationarity problems and meet the technical requirements.

2, a single dual-output power clockwork mechanism and floor-nautical clocks developed. Craft sailing perspective bell, grasshopper escapement device fork legs into and out of tile and large escapement wheel design itself, there are technical deficiencies, poor accuracy of travel time clock cumulative average error between 5 min; craft sailing perspective bell innovation design uses a single dual-output power clockwork mechanism to indicate the time of the tourbillon mechanism design, plywood inside the front side shaft winding shaft set to go head and being attached to a wheel assembly, the wheel assembly to go head piece and the first round when walking transmission mechanism set meshed connections, travel transmission mechanism is by walking two wheel assemblies, walking three components, go four-wheel assembly, go five rounds of assembly and go six rounds in turn engaged gear wheel system connection consisting of; control mechanism when walking by go wheel assemblies, components and packages over the wheel engages the shaft tube in clockwise on its connection; go tourbillon mechanism attached to the end of the six-axle, wheel train travel time and swing through the rational selection of the transmission ratio, swing when walking to meet synchronization and operation. Average daily time difference increased to 30 seconds / day.

Floor-nautical perspective bell ropes is used as a driving force hammer driven, so go the error when the clock reaches minimized clockwork precision than conventional drives the clock to improve a grade. When the difference between the average daily walk up to 15 seconds / day. On the floor-nautical perspective bells bell first attempt using advanced design pneumatic lift and control devices. Lift and control technical specifications and performance, reliable, convenient for users to use. The grandfather clock movement with a seat (Taiwan) clock movement was more than 90 percent common parts, meet standardization requirements.

Floor-nautical bell pneumatic lifting schematic

3, research new technology surface treatment. The products are high-end perspective series, surface treatment demanding, therefore grandfather clock bell selection of high-end mahogany exterior shell, using lacquer paint treatment process, bright color, anti-aging, do not fade. Grandfather Clock Clock selection of high-end hard shell exterior maple, and to develop water and oil paint combined with new technology. The disadvantage is that wood color coating process easy to deform, dim luster after painting, oil color painting process is not obvious drawback is that the wood pattern, similar to the plastic surface feel. The combination of water and oil paints new technology can overcome the shortcomings of the above two processes can be achieved by bright color, brightness and soft moderate, full paint, giving a major gas muddy, elegant feel. Bell needle and plywood column screw gun blue color electrophoretic paint new technology, movement 24K gold-plated metal. Single parts processing, hand-polished and other means, so that each piece is carved crystal Ying. Visual design, the clock escapement mounted outside the bare clock face, at work can be seen from the front of the clock escapement kept turning display dynamic, improving the clock ornamental.


Watch product upgrading to today, has become a decorative symbol, a symbol of status, culture, and therefore the appearance of critical decorative clocks. Nautical bell design was originally designed to increase the accuracy of the timing, and now sailing craft bell appears in the watch manufacturing watches in order to show the skill and exquisite craft. Craft sailing round the clock led watches from design concept to improve the processing technology, the appearance of decorative techniques.

At present, domestic and international sales of craft are sailing bell clock, powered by clockwork, using grasshopper escapement has a double pendulum linkage and go second feature, the bar period of 3 to 7 days. Comparison with domestic and foreign technology, Polaris products grandfather clock and floor clock two series, respectively, and hammer spring powered, are used grasshopper escapement mechanism, not only has the double pendulum linkage and go second function. Meanwhile desk clock also has a single winding tourbillon dual-function output and timing functions. Grandfather Clock also has a pneumatic lift and control devices. On the bar (L hammer) period is 7 days.

Craft sailing bell greatly improved the mechanical clock (especially the seat (Taiwan), Grandfather Clock) grade, the existing mechanical clock manufacturing technology to a higher level, technically high-end products to ensure the right mechanical clock requirements . The unique perspective of the movement structure highly ornamental, led to the development of high-end mechanical clock. Product promotion has been applied to domestic sales outlets and exported to the EU market, favored by consumers, the market prospect is broad.