Collecting "with memory" of handicrafts
Release time: 2014-09-25
Expo there are N kinds of play, both countries can enjoy the culture, cuisine can be tasted in the world, but if you want to leave a lasting memory of the Expo, then it may be to the venue of the store "Taobao", put this special experience to take home collection .

It can be said that even in logistics, information flow is so advanced today, make the most authentic, the most purely national characteristics of goods brought together "a", the Expo may be regarded as "alone in this one." Starting today, we will launch a set of reports, introduces readers to the "Expo Taobao" The music, meanwhile, want to help you before you open your Expo trip, make some plans for the wallet.

Shopping is fun usually enjoy the process. At the Expo, collecting handicrafts have national characteristics more like a learning journey --- When an arts and crafts in the hands of folk artists from scratch, a little bit of shape, it carries a long history and profound culture, same applies in slow motion as presented in front of tourists.

The most straightforward memories ---

Copper coil pottery carved "a visit"

Traveled Expo, in addition to trendy and avant-garde architecture nations posed for pictures, "a visit" may have a more artistic expression --- custom piece of writing with his name handicrafts.

Tunisia Hall exit, always see "Tota Lee King had" carefully filed out, but they were holding a jar with one hand. Follow these tourists figure into the hall, a Tunisian guy is to give full creative: rubbing mud, throwing, dough, just thirty-five minutes, 10 cm high petal mouth jar is firmly standing in a cardboard on. With the help of Chinese assistant, the guy’s name will be translated into Arabic tourists, engraved on pottery, a unique souvenir Expo will be freshly baked. In addition, you can also design your own pottery shape or pattern.

Follow from time to time came the "ding-dong" sound away, another corner in the hall, a Tunisian uncle is carved a golden copper coil. Left nail, hand steel hammer, this is his brush. With the strength of steel hammer different beat, sharp fast-moving brush in "Copper Paper" on the disk gradually emerge a variety of textures, and pretty soon, dunes, smoke, camels and other desert style is vividly "paper" on. Interestingly, the uncle would write down single-handedly extremely artistic characters --- in fact, he just put the names of visitors as a painting process: If you deliberately put their names crooked writing, he also crooked painting; signature if not careful this brought down, he calmly carved backwards.

The most profound memories --- sedge colored sand painting on years of civilization

In Asia and Africa full of mystery ancient pavilion in "Taobao", visitors will accidentally touch the thick of history. Might as well take advantage of shopping machine, listening to what "Baby" behind the story.

DAVID gathered Egyptian Museum, not the best-selling stone pyramid, but a slightly rough papyrus paintings, grain and texture like most of the Bamboo seats. Extreme Pharaoh, glamorous queen, as well as ancient Egyptian astrological charts ...... All the pictures are in black with germanium carbon pigment red, gold embellishment. Egyptian youth scene painting, told reporters papyrus paintings focus on paper and not in the picture. About 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians began growing in the Nile papyrus stems to paper, but this papermaking lost a long time, until 50 years ago, before the introduction of an Egyptian papyrus from the French engineer and re-paper. Young Carefully paint on paper with a pencil, it seems very cherish this lost civilization:. "It is the world’s oldest paper, keep dry, Millennium does not rot"

Also painting, Jordan museum now make and sell bottles of sand painting, looking more like a magic --- a bunch of various colors of sand along the funnel flow into the layers of glass, the artist turn the bottle body, gently stir with a fine wire, a few minutes later, another Middle East-style presentation of them. Sand painting was first Arab nomads bottle art, East China Normal University students working in Jordan Hall Mohammed told reporters today in Jordan, in this ancient art is about only 30 people. Visit to the Expo painting sand painting is a family --- Shala Han family of three brothers. They are the fourth generation, family from 1910 began making sand vase painting, participated in the Seventh World Expo, so far just 100 years.

The most joyful memories --- sheepskin shell knocked African melodies

Both sides of the Africa Joint Pavilion of things have an arts and crafts bazaar "Grand Bazaar", in addition to traditional jewelry, sculpture, textiles, reporters also found in the more full of spiritual things --- handmade musical instruments. African friends sometimes beat playing and singing, sometimes enthusiastic selling, you almost can not tell whether they were salesman or a musician.

Crowded "Grand Bazaar", the greatest variety of musical instruments undoubtedly djembe, different materials, pattern, size, enough to have ten. Before Liberia’s booth, one shaped like a bar stool drums almost people thought it was furniture.

In advocating the rhythm of Africa A drum often represent a god. Africans used to mimic the shape of a drum grinding corn or grain of stone, Production, the first cut the whole tree trunks hollowed out, and then covered with sheep or camel skin. Drums high price, the most expensive Togo a tambourine, the price of up to 3,100 yuan, but the stock is selling three fifty yuan a mini tambourine.

Bamboo whistle, sand hammer, waist ...... African musical instruments and more choice of wood, animal skin and shell and other natural materials, such as the African creative production is the character of the general fingertips. Stand on Rwanda, a card case size is truly lovely thumb piano, the keys are different lengths of metal strips, made ​​of wood resonance box. Kim Kum stall both hands, gently struck the metal strip around the thumb, "knocking" the melody immediately jumped out. When visitors listened, Kim homeopathic savvy marketing:. "Thumb piano lightweight and portable, traveling used as pastime, certainly do not regret it."